Seize the Day, 16 x 20 inch, oil on canvas
© 2012 Kathleen Coy
When I was commissioned for a surprise painting of K from the blog Romping and Rolling in the Rockies, I was truly honored. This inspiring blog is a favorite of mine for many reasons - the dogs, the scenery, the wildlife, and the heartfelt writing.
For those who don't know, K is a chocolate lab who reminds us about living in the moment and enjoying each day to the fullest, despite her frightening health concerns. (Animals are such great teachers!) The author of this beautifully written and fascinating blog shares her bittersweet journey with the world, and I appreciate her courage.
When I say it was an honor to paint K, I truly mean that. It was an honor to be thought of by the blog community to paint this gift, to know that I was chosen to create something with such meaning for her family. And I hope, along with all those involved with this surprise, that this painting will help to ease some of the pain and bring comfort to all who love K.
The painting shows K facing into the sunset, giving her fur a reddish glow that her human loves. The look on her face is pure K, and can be summed up by one phrase: Carpe Diem!!
I was inspired to make a pretty epic (for me) video of the process. I think the only thing missing is car chases and explosions. All kidding aside, I enjoy making these painting videos. I hope you enjoy it, too.
Be sure to have your speakers on!
Much love,
I couldn't take my eyes of K's eyes during the entire video -
You SO nailed it!
And so stuck the dismount too!
Thanks for making it a reality for us!
Khyra asks her pal Cloud to give you a special snuggle and khyss!
Oh yes, the eyes have it!!!! They say SO much. Kathleen, you did a beautiful job, words escape me to truly give you the credit you deserve. Just awesome.
Kathie, the OP Pack Mom
Love it. Thank you so much for this moving tribute to our friend K.
What a terrific video! Thank you so much for participating in this little surprise in the dog blogging community!
Incredible video. The work you put into your paintings is incredible. Thank you for letting everyone commission you!
My mom and I are all teary. You are truly gifted and captured K's soul so perfectly! And that video is a beautiful tribute.
Lulu (and her mom!)
I'm misty-eyed just watching the video! You did a phenomenal job on K's portrait and I think it will be treasured for a very long time to come. Thank you so much for helping us with the surprise!
what an incredible gift you have! As others have mentioned, you captured her spirit perfectly...that intense look in her eyes as she gazes towards her Mom. Thank you so much...your work is absolutely stunning!
wags, wiggles & slobbers
Your work as always is incredible. You really captured K.
You have so beautifully captured the heart and soul of this wonderful dog. I have read KB's blog even before she lost S and I have seen countless photographs of K over those years. Your painting is gorgeous and I enjoyed the video. I'm so glad KB will always have this wonderful likeness of K.
Kathleen.... You are amazing! Your painting is beyond words. The blogging community thanks you for your kindness.
Lily Belle
Perfection itself, Kathleen. Your talent as an artist is just astounding!
Hugs to the little guy, too, whats his name again??? lolol
Jo, Stella and Zkhat
There are no words to describe how much your painting means to me. And, your words about K brought a huge lump to my throat.
Oh, the video, the video! It is priceless. You showed the spirit of my girl so wonderfully.
Thank you Kathleen, from the bottom of my heart. I cannot imagine having a talent like yours but I am so grateful that you used your talent to create a painting of K.
KB and all of K's family
I could not be more impressed with your work and the video. You are so talented and K is so beautiful.
Wow, I was teary eyed at just seeing the stunning portrait and then you went and made that WONDERFUL video. You captured the heart and soul of K. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us.
We are all blessed because of KB and her beautiful dog K.
Oh my goodness Kathleen! This brought tears to my eyes! Absolutely awesome...you have captured the image of K perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing your talent...this really is beautiful!!
of bichonpawz
This portrait of K is beyond amazing.
You captured every emotion possible- just as everyone has already indicated. But you also captured the emotions of total devotion and love in those eyes.
Thank you for doing this.. thank you for the video- that you for being a part of our lives and feeling what we feel.
You are more than amazing!
Absolutely stunning portrait. What an amazing talent you have.
Mom can hardly see through her tears to type. What a gorgeous painting of K!
Love ya lots,
I am watching this video bawling like a baby. I lurk on K's blog and know of all the struggles and watching this has hit me so hard. Gorgeous work and loved watching your process!
Okay I really would prefer to stop crying now... think I'll go hug my own heartdog, Maddox.
I had to watch this video 4 times to see it without sobbing. I, too, lurk on KB's blog, and find inspiration in her writing. You have capture the heart and the spirit of KB's writings, and the love and message of a chocolate lab, named K.
Sobbing like a baby. Beautiful work, just stunning. You certainly brought home to ALL of us the special love and bond we have with our dogs. There are people who don't understand 'the bond' - they are to be pitied.
I am completely choked up watching this. You have a wonderful gift and I think I speak for us all when I say thank-you for sharing that gift with us and creating such a wonderful tribute to a beautiful dog. I loved watching how you made the oils come to life and how you captured her one-of-a-kind look. I'll never know how - but you sure did nail it.
I'm honored to be included with such a fine group of dog loving people.
Chester & Mom ♥
Argh, yes, add me to the list of people who started tearing up while watching the video. Really wonderful work. :)
from the mom (Kim) - I just had a chance to stop by - came over from KB's blog and wanted to see what all this was about. As Team Beaglebratz (Shiloh'n Shasta) would say - WAHOOZIEZ COOL-DOOZIEZ! The portrait by itself put a lump in my throat as it so captured the real spirit of K. Then I watched that beautiful video and I have no idea how you did it but pairing it with that music - it put a clear image of K in my mind as she romped through the mountains. BEAUTIFUL WORK - definitely awe inspiring.
wow, what a wonderful tribute to the wonderful KB and K! so inspiring...
Oh Kathleen, thank you. That was absolutely wonderful. You have captured K and her courage exactly. Love Carol (and Stella and Rory)
Okay, glad to know I'm not the only one with tears running down my face while sitting at my computer. Kathleen...WOW... I don't even know who you are... but this is amazing. What a talent you have, and what a gift that you made this video to accompany the spectacular painting!! Thank you for using your talents in this way.
Beautiful portrait, Kathleen!
Romping in the Rockies is indeed an awesome blog. I know this painting will be treasured forever!
jack, moo & pat
P.S. Loved the video!
SO many thanks for sharing your abilities, talent and love to K and her family...I know I loved this video and I can only just imagine how they felt....Kathleen...you are a very special person. Sophie's Dad Ron
Kathleen, I am truly at a loss here. Just as K is a masterpiece so is this painting. You captured K's spirit and her strength and courage. I am in awe...as well as having tears streaming down my face.
You have done an incredible thing here, thank you.
Oh and Puddles wants to know if you have a dog named Cloud? LOL! Of course you do I told her.
Beautiful gift you have. Everything about K is stunning, but the eyes...were breathtaking.
Wow, Kathleen, you did an excellent job. I thought it was a picture at first. You really captured the essence of K and the color of her eyes!!
I can't stop crying! There are just no words for how special this video is.
Bless K, and Bless YOU for creating something so beautiful.
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