This summer has been unseasonably cool so far. In fact, today feels like Fall. To add to the illusion, my red maple is starting to turn color already. This seems really early to me, and as much as I adore its red and orange glory, it seems like Summer has barely started. The weather has been so nice I want to be outside as much as I can.
I have finished with the underpainting on Cloud's portrait, though:

Now to add details and strengthen the darks and lights. Fun stuff!
In other news the neighborhood Zombie War is over (for now,) and we are victorious. The hole in the street where the zombies were crawling out has been filled in, and they are trapped. Waiting... Hopefully we won't see them again until Halloween. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click
here. :-)

It is also H.R.H. Boomer, The Queen of the Universes' birthday month. Yes, she gets a whole month since I'm not sure of the actual date, only the month. She has been gracing our presence for 16 years now. She will probably be very displeased that I've including something of such great importance as the magnitude of her birth in a post titled "Odds and ends..." If you don't hear from me again, then you'll know why...

And a picture of me and Cloud, just because I like it...

Have a great weekend, everyone!