This Summer is...
Painting on location:

If you're awake to see it...

Flowers and butterflies:

A boat ride with friends:

And gorgeous sunsets:

The weather in most of the country is incredibly hot right now, but Summer will be gone before we know it. I hope everyone is having a good one...
Much love,
Love your pics, specially the sunsets and sunrises. What part of the country were they taken in?
Thanks, Alessandra! All the photos were taken in Iowa, except for the boat ones, which were in Nebraska. :-)
These are truly nice pictures! You've captured the exact moment for one beautiful sunrise and sunset. I'll show these pictures to my kids. :)
What great pics!
Khyra says nothing wrong with sleeping in - she does it all the time!
I love your pictures and I agree, I'm always sad when Summer is gone! I hope we have time to get a lot more memories in before it's over for the year!
What a beautiful summer collection! I really like your landscape too - not seen you show one before - do you often paint them?
Wonderful pictures Kathleen.. Cloud looks exhausted from all the of fresh air.
Have a great weekend.
Stephanie & Olive
As seen on Paris Breakfasts' (a Blogger blog) latest post about Summer indulgence....Summer is ice cream, and lots of it, to which I heartily concur! Cloud enjoys the lie-down...your painting is very good! :< )
Thanks for sharing your summer moments Kathleen.
I was surprised by the hills in your area of Iowa. The part of Iowa where I used to visit relatives (near Des Moines, Wilton Junction, etc.) is completely flat.
You've had a great summer...yes, it's going to end all too soon. The days are noticeably shorter (at 5AM) and the horses are shedding their summer hair...I'm not quite ready yet!
Love the dog in the tent. What ind of easle are you using? It looks like a tripod with a curved shelf. Did you design this yourself?
I wish I was there painting alongside with you!
Love the pic of your hubby and cloud "walking into the clouds". Clever!
Is Cloud wearing a life jacket on the boat? LOL, didn't think they made those for dogs!
Love the Sunsets. How very very beautiful. Nice to see you.
Your Art is amazing.
Happy Tuesday.
Looks like you got a chance to enjoy some of the summer and some beautiful photos for memories. I see Cloud really knows how to kick back and enjoy catching up on sleep on a holiday.. Thanks for sharing the beauty you saw.
Heehee I love these photos Kat (thought I'd left a comment before...but maybe blogger ate it!)
Especially cloud snoozing! haha
Looks like a fabulous time! xxx
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