Muzzle and body structure:

I started blocking in her collar and tag, but didn't like the placement of it:

So I moved over to the side a bit. I like this placement a lot better:

And the painting as it stands now. Still lots of work to go, but she's really starting to take shape:

More to come...
Always a joy to see it take shape and come together!
Thanks for sharing!
She looks beautiful, and a lot like the real Pede!
Thankyou! I hope you don't mind Kathleen, I will link to your blog. Big man hugs for Cloud xx Maj
P.s When will we see a close up of your tattoos...Mum is dying to inspect(she has her back done:)
I like the new placement of the tag too. I love how effortless it looks to just "move" it ;) Like you simply hit Delete or Cut and Paste!
Lol yes, same concept... "delete" = "paint over". That's what I love about acrylic paints vs. watercolor - watercolor is too transparent to paint over (unless you're using very dark colors) without the underlying paint showing through.
Your paintings are just so beautiful. I wish I had a color picture of my first dog - I'd have you paint her. Someday though, I'm going to ask you to paint all of my dogs!
That is looking sooo good. We saw the painting of Twix on her blog - it was very beautiful.
This is just stunning! :)
~ Carolee
Your work is beautiful. I especially like your header painting. Great composition there. Lovely work. Love your blog. Congrats on being a Blog of Note! Enjoy. When you have a few moments, come visit my two blogs: Levonne's Pretty Pics and A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings. Thanks.
Love your blog - keep up the great work!!
Common Cents
ps. Link Exchange??
Your work is amazing! I just joined today, and I will soon read all of your posts, because you work is beautiful. I love how you moved the collar. I agree that it looks better there. If you have a second to spare, visit my blog, at The Everything Blog (every blog for it's self). Keep on painting!
Ooh, I really like the new placement of the collar/tags. With the old placement, it looked like the dog had stolen the house keys.
I like how you manage to capture the depth that can only be found in canine eyes. Beautiful!
Your blog is most excellent. I really love this one a lot.
very beautifull!
Congrats on blog of note!!!
Beautiful Work. I saw you on the updates or notes so I stopped in.
Feel free to stop. I new here .
Your great!
love love love love love!
Wow.. I am very impressed in your artwork! I will definitely buy a few pieces for my new room. Good for you for helping dogs! :) I am more of a cat fan myself, but this is so sweet. -Sonny (www.sonnysarea.com)
nice picture... it looks almost real...
when architect meet shirt, visit me!
You got picked for Blogs of Note!!!!
Congrats girl!! Couldn't have happened to a more talented blogger!
Gorgeous pet portrait....as always!
this is nice to meet a person just like you...my english is not very good sorry about this...
i m from thailand a small country in asia...
nice to know you
Hello Kathleen, I have a beautiful labrador myself. She has been with me for 12 and I can't picture my life without her. Shes blind with diabetes but shes so strong I dont know how she does it. I wanted to share that with you as I can see you have love for animals yourself. I share my dog a few times in my blog if you would like to see her ! either way I will definately be following you and your beautiful exquisite portraits.
<3 Jessica-Lauren
Beautiful and seems to be true
Beautiful & nice
Wow--you're amazing! I didn't know a pit bull could look so good! (-:
This is very nice!!
Wow they are beautiful pictures, thanks for brightening up my day. I miss my previous canine Candy, may she rest in peace....
Came by as you are now a "Blog of note" - congratulations! Absolutely gorgeous artwork. I'm going to follow and pass on to a friend here, especially as your latest work is for an Aussie.
wow! i love the new commissioned work. Its great to see the different stages and how it progresses. Great work
wow! your artwork is absolutely stunning!
You are so gifted. I'm grateful to Blogger for bringing you to my/our attention. Congrats on blog of note.
It is really great how you show the exercise of your work--like a spectrum. Wonderful.
What a pleasure to come across your blog! I am a total supporter of dog rescue as both my dogs are just that. Five years ago I adopted a mini-doxie, a dapple and it was one of the best decisions of my life. A couple of years later, I rescued a second one when I saw an owner abusing a doxie-jack russell cross. It has been alot of hard work but there is something to the expression: do not underestimate the power of love to heal our brokeness. I see it in their eyes everyday!
Kathleen, I love your site AND your wonderful art - those beautiful faces speak to me. I am a huge dog lover and my sister, daughter and I are all about dog rescue. I will enjoy following and exploring your site.
I am just starting a poetry site at Stardreaming, cant wait to get more stuff inputted. You do beautiful work and must have loved some special dogs in your time. Will enjoy reading about them.
This is such a great site. I am glad I found it today. I am glad that there is someone doing something for dog rescue. I hate to see any animal being hurt or abused. I will link to your site so that I can keep coming back.
Nice drawings, love your blog check mine out at justingallantsblog.blogspot.com it may seem like nothing but I am working on it
wow! what beautiful work you do...such a wonderful job capturing the personality and essence of the animals.
An adorable pit bull...
I came across your blog by the blog of note list. I couldn't help but to be captured by the series of pictures of your painting blooming into life. I couldn't help but remember my German Shepard and boxer mix that passed away 4 years ago. I wish you all the success in the world and wish I could express the beauties of the world like you do in your paintings! Good luck!
Nice sketch!!! just blog hopping . . .
hand like that should be working for a big project
Exchange link Guys ahehehehe
Fedge Shacks
Hi Kathleen, Great blog you have a great talent love your work.Brian
Hi Kat,
That painting is pawesome! You say it isn't done but it looks great to us as is! Pede's hooomans are gonna love it!!
Wow that is beautiful you're really talented =)
nice blog have there :)
we enjoy reading your blog.
keep posting friend.
Are you joking? You PAINTED this?
Geez! You're so talented!
~Inspiring the youth of today.
Woow!! That just looks amazing! Excellent work!
thank you very very nice
De casualidad he pasado por tu blog y me ha encantado tu pintura del perro y sus etapas. Yo tengoun blog de pintura y me gustarĂa que me dieras tu opinion. Mis felicitaciones.
Hi kathleen, nice blog & good snaps. overall You have beautifully maintained it, you must submit your site for free in this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
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