I don't even want to talk about how cold it is outside right now. If you live in the Midwest like I do, or read the news then you already know. Instead I will post some pictures I took in my garden last summer and think warm thoughts...

That's a little better. I like the shirt Adam wears on Mythbusters that says, "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" :-)
Great pictures!
Keep thinking warm thoughts-
maybe if we all do, springtime weather will get here sooner!!!!
That would be nice, wouldn't it! I usually like winter well enough...the whole cycles of nature and introspection and slowing down thing. But minus -30 wind chills is enough to make anyone dream of spring!
I love your bit of reality Kathleen! Wonderful photos. Unfortunately some of your midwest weather is upon us here in Tennessee! We aren't use to single digits and it reminds me of New York, PA, and KY where we lived for a time and had many low temps and lot's of snow & ice.
What gorgeous photos! We're having a bit of a cold snap here in Pennsylvania too (it's snowing at the moment) - although nothing as drastic as what you've experienced in the midwest....
Keep thinking those warm thoughts and spring will be here before you know it!
~ Carolee
Cold here in Maryland too! Great warm pictures to look forward to. Thanks! - CT
Yeah, it's pretty darn cold here too!
Love the photos of the butterfly and the hummingbird.
wow..those pics are in your garden!! They are gorgeous :) Especially that butterfly...I paint ones like that but never seen one for real :)
and please tell me...where can I find a 3 column blog template like yours? I can only find dodgy looking ones so far online... :)
What a beautiful garden! I know you can't wait to see it like this again. Here in California, it is weirdly warm, which I'm loving. By coincidence, a butterfly (or moth, I'm never sure which is which) visited here yesterday. Very confusing weather! Stay comfy!
Thanks, these were some of my favorite photos.
Julia, I followed these instructions: http://bguide.blogspot.com/2008/03/3-columns-minima-left-and-right.html
Hope that helps. :-)
Stay warm everyone!
Oh...spring planting!!! Can't wait! Love the capture of the lil' humming bird. Snuggle up with Cloud 'n Benny and stay warm~~
Ahhh! Those were the lazy, hazy days of summer that I hold dear to my heart! Thanks for the trip back in time!
P.S. Got your registration and am looking forward to working with you! I sent an email too ;0)
Those photographs are lovely! Love the hummingbird and butterly!
These pictures are all so beautiful. What a great shot of a humming bird!!! I also love the butterfly!
Your art is wonderful...love the way you've captured your pets personalities. Looked through all of your work, had to laugh at the dragons...my 17yr old is big into dragons. I did a pen and ink for him of one...out of my head...for Christmas.
Good luck to you, thanks for following my blog!
a Kimberly design
Great pics. Thanks.
Thank you!! You're a genius...now I have to give it a try! lol
wow....thats your garden? Beautiful!!! I wish I can get mine like that, but I have a dog that like to mark everything and you know...urine does go through a fence :-(
Hardly wait for spring!
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