I was contacted last week by a wonderful gal named Jen Cleere, who happens to have her own business making custom dog tags. She said she was surfing blogs and found mine and asked if she could make a tag for Cloud! How sweet of her is that??? :-)
Cloud's tag arrived today and it is incredible! This is handmade with love and care and I have never seen style like this anywhere! You sure can't get that from those instant tag machines at the pet stores...just look at the lettering! It looks heavy but it's very lightweight and strong. Unlike other dog tags, this one looks like it should last forever, and will be a keepsake that I will treasure for the rest of my life!

Please check out her website: www.fetchingtags.net There are lots of lovely dog photos, with some hilarious sayings on their custom made tags. And she donates a portion of each tag sold to dog rescue organizations!
Thank you so much Jen, for your generosity and for Clouds wonderful tag. We love it!!!
More photos, in case you're like me and can't get enough of Cloud:

"Thank you Jen, for my new tag!"

Must have one of those tags...thanks for pointing the way!
Very cool tag!
love the pictures!
The ever so cute Cloud in a ever so cute tag...I want one!
Cool tag!! I really like that.
Cloud is just so sweet! I can't get over those eyes.
Yes! LOVE the tag, I must check them out for my fur-kids. Thanks for sharing!
BUT...really~ Cloud just does NOT take a bad photo. He is sooooo photogenic. Aaaaaaah, I want to hug him!
Hello your blog is pretty cool, put it in my favorites, I always see him, see my too!! and also leaves your commentary.
What a sweet dog! He looks soul~full :)
awwwww.....look at those eyes, so gentle - like a fawn!
I just wanted to let you know....I presented your blog with some awards cuz I enjoy reading you so much :-) You can visit my blog to pick them up if you want *grin* :-)
Oh my, that is so cute! I'm busy thinking hard about what my "tag lines" could be. :-)
Thanks guys! Yes, Cloud is ever so cute and he knows it!
His eyes...I have never seen a dog with such expressive eyes and face. Even the range of emotion in his vocalizations amaze me...sometimes I swear he is a little person!
Hey, thanks Mea Culpa, I will go check it out! :-)
Cool tag! Cloud is so photogenic, he should have his own calendar.
What a cute pup!! *dies of cuteness*
Oh I am on my way! I want one, two,ok three, well six if I count my cats!! Yikes, And I came over here to "give" you something. Now what was it...Oh yeah stop by and pick it up. You got any lemmons?
So, I just went through your blog, all the way back to November and now I'm really hungry and I want to bring my dogs over to play with your dogs.
Also, your ACEOs are awesome. I have the worst time trying to paint anything small...and small for me is bigger than an ACEO so ACEOs....*shudder.* Color me impressed :)
What a kind gift! It sure looks beautiful on Cloud!
That tag is so chic! And I just love the first pic of Cloud...arms folded and contemplative...and those ears! So sweet... :o)
I can't let Cindy Sue see the computer screen...she'd just be gaga over Cloud ;~) He's just so cute!
Great tags...thanks for sharing!
Oh now I am torn. Hawk is such a hottie but these pictures of Cloud have be floating on air.
I will tell mom she must get me and baby brother tags from this woman, Jen. Going to her site now to check them out.
Very nice post... great stuff to read... i enjoyed reading this post... thanks...
Pune Jobs
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