Yes, THAT Nigel Buggers! (Is there any other???) When Bernie Berlin placed a call to artists for the annual art auction benefiting her dog rescue A Place to Bark, I was delighted to have a chance to help out. I am in awe of all the hard work and dedication Bernie puts into her rescue. She is truly an angel on earth.
In a flash of brilliance (or madness?) I contacted "The Author" of the hugely popular and hilarious Life With Dogs blog, and asked if I could paint his Greyhound Nigel for the auction. He not only thought it was a great idea, but gave me a nice assortment of photos to choose from. This one jumped out at me because of the fun pose, the look on Nigel's face, and the fabulously foreshortened paw (which can be hard to pull off, but in this pose it worked perfectly!)
Thank you so much Neil, for letting me paint Nigel. It was an honor, and a blast!
Here is a link to the auction, (with a starting price of $1.99!!!) where you can bid on this fantabulous original painting of the famous (or infamous) Nigel Buggers, AND support A Place to Bark:

I really like the perspective point you chose for Nigel, and the bright colors. Really brings his personality out, and he is presented like a 'star'!
Aw, what a sweetie pie!! Great work, as always!!
What a fabulous portrait! I hope it earns lots and lots of money for A Place to Bark. You're a saint for donating your time and talent to the cause.
Thanks all. :-)
Bernie is the real saint for her tireless dedication and work. I'm just happy to be able to have a chance to help her finish the shelter. :-)
A saint indeed, and I am nearly speechless. It's just dead on perfect. I really hope this helps to raise funds.
Thanks so much Kathleen!
Beautiful! I've always wanted a greyhound:)
I just discovered your blog, Kathleen, AND your art, through the Life with Dogs blog, and I'm so happy I did.
Your paintings are wonderful, and you are incredibly talented, as well as generous in donating this lovely portrait of Nigel to such a good cause.
You have most definitely gained a new admirer and follower in me. :)
Hi Jan, thank you so much for your kind words, and thanks for following. I really appreciate it.
Wow! that is a gorgeous painting and a great likeness of Buggers. He looks so sweet. Beautiful job!
Wild Dingo
Kathleen, your art is marvelous and your painting of Nigel is GORGEOUS. I'm lovin' your style. You are one talented lady, and you did a fantastic job on this one... looks like it's going to do quite well on Ebay.
Good luck to both you and Neil with the final sale~ I'm sure A Place to Bark is going to be most thankful for the additional funds. :)
wow..what a fantastic portrait! lol I love it:)
Hope it does really well!
Hard to pull off but you did it, and then some!
Fantastic, fun pose! Totally original angle.
I hope this does extremely well!
Excellent job on this one!
What a great posture and expression! I see it's getting a great response at the auction. Hope it will raise lots of $$$ for A Place to Bark.
Oh my, Kathleen, this is the most wonderful portrait and wonderful gesture. I sincerely hope that Nigel Buggers (what a great name too!)rakes in the dollars for A Place to Bark!
I am a total loser for videos like this.
I cry. I hold my dog closer.
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