This is Joe. He passed away recently at the age of 17. It's so very hard to lose a dear dog, and I love being able to create art for people that honors their pet and gives them a sense that a part of their dog will always be with them.
Joe's owner says he was very serious, very business-like, and very dignified. He looks all that, plus a little stern in this sketch, but his expression should soften up as I start adding color.
So he's all sketched out and ready for paint. The size is 8 x 10 inches.

It's looking good. Joe sounds a little like how Lyle was. Give Joe's mom my sympathies.
I dont think they could have chosen a better person to paint a rat terrier Kathleen, looking forward to it)
I think you've already captured all of those elements of his personality in that sketch :) Its gonna be a good one!
Looks great so far. Can't believe he lived to 17, wow!
Hi Kathleen! I just love seeing your new work. Animals are one of my favorite subjects to paint and draw.
I can't wait to see what you do with Joe!
What a wonderful way to honor man's best friend!
Looks like you're capturing him perfectly - what a beautiful fellow!
I agree, it's such a blessing to honor someone's beloved companion with a painting. Just knowing that a piece of your art offers comfort is beyond words...
~ Carolee
Hi Kat,
We can't wait to see how Joe turns out! It sounds like he was a very sweet & special Rattie.
Great sketch! Looking forward to seeing its progress.
Wow that great sketches and keep up the good work..........
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