Here's the latest progress update on Hawk the Rat Terrier - he is very close to being finished. His throat above the collar is still in the underpainting phase. I've saved that part for last so the hair will "sit on top of" his collar when I paint it. All that's left after that is to add some finishing details to the face and do a little more work to the background. I'm really liking the looser, somewhat painterly (for me) look of this piece. Switching paints to Golden Open halfway through was a little risky, but I think it paid off. :-)
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This is amazing! What a cute subject to paint. Is it your dog or someone else's ?
Thanks. He looks a lot like my dog (they are both rat terriers.) Hawk belongs to artist Marnie Vollenhals. http://jaustinryan.blogspot.com/
Gorgeous painting, he looks a lot like a Jack Russell.
You have captured his intelligence in your brushstrokes.
Oh Kathleen! It is so beautiful! The colors are so rich - what a wonderful job!!
Thanks Gail and acornmoon!
Acornmoon, I was told that in the UK, Rat Terriers are called Jack Russells, while here in the states they are not. Can anyone across the pond tell me if you've found this to be true? They are very similar, but there are differences, too.
I love your style. I hope to be able to loosen up on my own one day. I'm sure the owner will be pleased.
Your painting of Hawk is awesome. I bet his human will be very happy with it.
Wags & wiggles,
Beautiful work!
Hey Kathleen,You cease to amaze me. Your work is stunning. Hawk is a super looking dog. Look forward to finished painting. Have a great weekend. Blessings Jules :)
Kathleen...It looks just like Hawk! You are amazing..seriously one of the best animal artist I have come across. If I have a good trade show, I want you to paint my other dog Cali, the little grey rat terrier. I'll keep you posted. I think Cali would be the perfect gift for my husbands birthday in September. I love love love the Hawk painting!
I thought this was Cloud. Hawk is a beautiful dog! I love how his sweet nature comes through your painting.
He's a beauty Kathleen, looks like the paint swap was more than justified
Such a gorgeous painting. The colours seem to glow with life!:)
It's beautiful! Cindy Sue wants to be your next subject...mom's gotta save up some bonz!
I love your portraits because I can tell that you love painting them. I mean, aside from the fact that they're fantastic :)
Kathleen its stunning, Ive loved it every step of the way. Lovely atmosphere, I think the blue and yellow go really well together :)
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