I spent a wonderful day painting with friends last week. They are both artists in their own right, although their painting experience was "none" and "some" respectively. It was so much fun for me to provide the studio and to watch their visions unfold. Painting can be a lonely business, so it was equally nice to have the company. The group energy is such a different dynamic to work in. I think I'd like to experience it more often.
Here are some shots of their beautiful bright color palettes:

In other news, I was awarded the "Passion for Painting" blog award from two artists whom I admire greatly -
Akiko Watanabe and
Sam Dolman. Thank you so much, I am honored. I'm supposed to list seven things that I love, but I've done that a few times already, you can scroll through the older posts to find them if you like. I'm going to pass the award to
Mona Connor (her spiritual portraits are amazing!)
And here is a sneak peak of a fun project I'm working on - I'm painting something for my hubby on this boat he's building. I'm having too much fun with it, and I'll post pictures soon, stay tuned...
It was such a gift painting in your studio... with you! Thanks for the conversation, laughs, advice, expertise, and for just being you... I'm so glad we spent the time together!!! :)
Thanks Tena, I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Oh that looks like fun!! I love painting wood - have fun - can't wait to see it when it's done!!!
Thanks Sarah, this is the first time I've painted on wood - so far so good. (Lol, I'm a poet!)
Congratulations on your award!!
The boat project looks like fun! Looking forward to seeing how it progresses. :)
Thanks C and Akiko! :-)
Hi Kathleen,
CongRATulations on your award! It's good you got to spend time painting with your friends.
Wags & wiggles,
I use to enjoy painting in a group session. Gave me some motivation to get going!
Well done for the award Kathleen, plus I'm quite intrigued with your latest project, looks very interesting!
How fun to paint with your friends! I bet your husband will love the boat when it is finished!
Congrats on the award and good luck with the boat! Keep us updated on that.
I love getting together with friends for "play dates". I definitely think it inspires creativity, and nice to have company too!
What a wonderful thing to share...your studio, expertise, and time! I can just picture you there with your friends, painting and laughing. Great stuff!
Thanks for your kind words, looking forward to seeing the boat!
Gosh I'm getting slack...I missed this post altogether! agh
Glad you guys had a fun day of painting:)
I kind of like the solitary work of an artist..just me, my paints,a pot of tea & my audio books or dvds. But I can imagine it would be fun every now & again to have a painting day like that :)
And I had to follow Mona's blog too...wow her work is so vibrant, I love it!
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