Monday, January 11, 2010

Newest work - Bobcat Summer

Bobcat Summer
14 x 11" acrylic on Ampersand Gessoboard
© 2010 Kathleen Coy

In the midst of the coldest winter in recent years, it's Bobcat Summer in my studio. This painting was inspired by the evening sunlight that shines through my front window in mid-summer. It magically transforms everything into a shimmering golden glow.

I photographed this gorgeous bobcat at the zoo (in normal daylight.) I've never seen one in the wild, but they are becoming more numerous in these parts, so I hope to someday.

I always mix my own black, but did not use any black in this painting. The dark areas are Raw Umber. I love the texture throughout the piece, it lends a feeling of the cat being among boulders or a cliff wall, almost a part of them, and which (true to his secretive nature) he may disappear into at any moment. Thank you Manon Doyle for your wonderful molding paste tutorial. I'm hooked on the stuff now! :-)


Manon said...

Ooooh! Beautiful piece Kathleen! I'm so glad you liked the molding paste..... I use a ton of the stuff! I should do a spackling video because that is also fantastic!!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Gorgeous painting! I have always wanted to try that molding paste!

Martine said...

Very cool! We love seeing all of your art!

martine :)


So beautiful, it just glows!

Chris Wolfgang said...

This seriously warmed me up just looking at it. It vibrates with heat. Thanks for sharing!

Pussycats and Angels said...

Hi Kathleen
This is such a beautiful painting. I do have a soft spot for cats as you know..
You have captured his expression perfectly!
Hope you are well?
Give Cloud a big hug from me :)
Sorry for the lack of comments, been in hybernation but hopefully back on track now!
Blessings from Sussex, England.
The land of white dust!
Julie x

Anonymous said...

Great work Kathleen. Really good how you have kept the depth and contrast without using black.

Kimberly said...

you can just see the wheels turning in this serene bobcats head! I absolutely love Nigel below. As always, your work is amazing. Hugs to you, Kimberly

Caroline said...

Gorgeous golden Bobcat! That paste is great fun to play with - I just bought some too!!

Unknown said...

Stunning Kathleen, the colours are luminous, rich and warm, perfect for a winters day:o)

Sierra Rose said...

Nice to visit your site.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

ooh, he looks so good! hope one of his kind doesn't visit our way!

Dean Grey said...


That is one beautiful but dangerous looking cat!! Good thing it's at the zoo!

I love the warm tones in this too!


Bijou said...

Pawesome kitty, Kat!

We love the warm orange glow.


Joy 's Welt said...

Wow,ich mag Deine Bilder und die Art sie zu zeichnen.Fantastisch.