In other news, a simple hand lettering of the boats name on each side has turned into adding pin-striping and a few more details, so it's taking longer than I thought. Not to mention spending lots of time doing yardwork during last weeks nice weather. Of course now we're being blasted by a sudden cold snap with wind gusts of 40 mph. Ah, Springtime in the Midwest! I hope my rosebushes that I uncovered will be all right. Today I watched this squirrel make several trips to carry some insulating leaves up to her nest. Isn't she cute?
I also made a new work in progress video today:
I think "Hidden Treasure" is maybe my favorite painting of yours. It almost looks like a photograph! Thanks for showing the process... beautiful!!!
Love the photos of your cat and the squirrel too. Best of all though, your Fawn painting is simply enchanting!
Love Boomer! Seems it must be a "cat" thing, have to put covers on the tops of my drinks or they all have their heads in them! Squirrel is darling and I LOVE the fawn video!
The "Queen of The Universe" certainly does not show her age! (You can tell her I said so,...maybe I can get on her good side):)
The WIP is absolutely stunning! The way you included all the little Clover in the foreground truly makes the piece magic. Well done.
Hi Kathleen. I love that with your cat. I have one that does that too. I can't figure out how to follow your blog. so little time for this. but I will continue to try.
that cat is stunning and too cute too with the glass of water. we dont have squirrels here- i have heard they are vicious, is that true ?
My cat use to turn on the tap. What a pretty cat you have. Your painting looks beautiful but it sounds like you have been very busy!
Thanks everyone!
Melody, I will tell her, it's always a good idea to get on the Queens good side. I have to, because she knows where I sleep... :-P
Hi Melissa, I think you are following, actually. It shows up in your profile, and also in the little box on the right side of the page. ((Hugs!))
Lisa, I've never known any vicious squirrels, around here they are pretty scared if people get too close, but I wonder if squirrels who live in parks and get fed a lot by people might run up to people and demand to be fed? Their claws are very sharp, so they might scratch someone accidently while trying to get food from them. Maybe that's why someone would call them vicious? That's my best guess, anyway. :-)
Love the video...made John watch it...preparing him to get a portrait of Cindy Sue someday!!
Your cat is a hoot! But, why didn't Cloud get after that pesky squirrel?!?
Don't know what I enjoyed more, the Boomer photos, squirrel or WIP video! How about all of them:)
I'll have to try one of those videos someday when I have time to paint:)
Love the kitty pics! She does seem displeased about something. Whatever did you do to offend her delicate sensibilities??
Karen, Cloud didn't go after the squirrel because we were inside...not a bad photo for being taken through a window, eh?
Thanks, Jen! And I would love to see an art video you come up with!
C, that is Boomers normal look, heehee. I could do a whole series of "Disapproving Boomer" photos, because I have so many of them, lol. Maybe I will do that sometime... have Disapproving Boomer Monday or something, ha!
Boomer looks just like our Freddy. He doesn't play with my water although a few other love my water better than their own.
Oh, I love "Hidden Treasure." Its absolutely beautiful. Wonderful to see its WIP.
aww great cat! I like the way youve done the video, its really nice to see how a painting comes together.
What a beautiful cat and the squirrel...they are so fun to watch.
This is the story of my life! I can never leave any kind of drinking glass out! Boomer is an adorable cat by the way. Great video too!
Your work is amazing! and, I love your cat... and your dog. Will check back often to see more of your work.
Boomer means business!
That's one serious cat!
Great photo's once again Kathleen. Arn't Cats just wonderful creatures (oh and of course Dogs).Squirrels are great survivors.
Warm Wishes
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