Last night I made the best acorn squash I've ever had. I halved, seeded and sliced the squash, then tossed with a glug (about 2 tablespoons) of extra virgin olive oil and a mixture of about a half teaspoon of cinnamon and quarter teaspoon each of nutmeg, cumin and salt. Then I spread it out in a glass baking dish and baked at 350 until it was tender, about 35 minutes. It was caramelized and sweet as candy, with no added sweeteners! This will grace our table often this Fall and Winter for sure!

To round out the menu of comfort foods last night (meatloaf and the above squash) were fried green tomates. If you haven't tried these you are missing out! Slice them thick, then dip in egg and breading and fry until golden. Darn good eating. And movie, by the way... :-)
That acorn squash looks great!! I'll have to try that. I do green tomatoes the same way as you...zucchini too~~
Oh wow...I was already hungry...that looks delicious. Super delicious. I've had fried green tomatoes once but never made them myself. Truth be told, I'm afraid to fry things...I don't know why.
Now I am hungry! yum!
Looks great kat!
Yum! I am drinking a on the cold side cup of coffee, that sure looks a whole lot better!! An Artist and cooking we will be good friends!! Do you like cowboys...I mean horses? he he
Thanks for your comments guys!
Train wreck, I LOVE horses!
Kat, I baked the acorn squash tonight and it was EXCELLENT. The flavor was superb. It didn't quite caramelize like yours did, but it was so sweet...just wonderful. John was mighty impressed. Thanks!!!
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