
Monday, April 23, 2012

Thank you! And more thoughts on the portrait of K

I am overwhelmed by the comments that were left on both my blog and KB's blog regarding K's portrait, Seize the Day. I appreciate each and every one of them, thank you all so much!

There were two comments posted on KB's blog post that I would like to share:

From houdstooth:

"...There are times when we all feel helpless as we watch someone we care about go through a difficult struggle. Being able to do "something" is the way a lot of people try to feel better about a situation they can't change. You and K have brought inspiration to so many people, I'm so glad that we could repay you in some small way for sharing her (and yourself) with all of us!"

Knowing that my art can be the "something" that makes people feel better and brings them together means the world to me. There is nothing more rewarding than that.

From TK and Squashies:

This blog has always been a masterpiece. You have painted K's essence, with your amazing love, empathy, and prose.

How could we not know K's spirit?

To have the ability, the talent and the empathy to capture that spirit in a single image, is beyond my comprehension. But we I stand, spell-bound, in the presence of Kathleen's work.

When two great masters of perception come together- this is the result. I am humbled and honored to have been here to observe.

THANK YOU, to three great ladies for reminding me of what is important. And what is not."

This is exactly what happened. I had more than just a photo of a beautiful dog to work from. I had KB's entire blog to work from - I knew her hopes and fears, and K's moods and joy for life. I felt all of that weave itself effortlessly into the painting, and the video. It was a very humbling experience.

The blog community is just that - a community. And it's an honor to be a part of it.

Thank you everyone again for your kind comments. I wish I had time to visit each blog individually to thank you. 

Much love to you all,


  1. Kathleen,
    Thank you for understanding the point of my ramblings. It makes me really happy to feel that you and KB know the depth of my gratitude for the risks both of you take to share yourselves in your art.

    We are all 'raised-up' by being given the privilege to observe, and the chance to understand ourselves a little better.


  2. I think all of what you said is true. I've admired KB's strength of spirit for a long time, and now I'm more convinced that K's spirit is very kindred to hers. She's shown the same courage in facing her battles that KB has, and I think you did a phenomenal job of capturing the essence of what K really is, that magic spark inside her that everyone wanted to help preserve for KB!


Thanks for letting me know you were here!