
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zombie spotted in my neighborhood!

Ok, so the sign is from the internets, but this guy is just up the street...

And a pirate zombie, no less!

My neighborhood is outside of city limits, and the roads are privately owned, so even the county doesn't do anything to them. Most of the roads are fine, but it looks like this one is having some problems, lol. Can you imagine the double-take I did when I drove by this guy! Yes, he's life-sized. Crazy goings on up here on the hill!

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go board up my windows now. I knew I shouldn't have read
World War Z... :-P

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :-)


  1. That is crazy, Kathleen! How could you not do a double take!?! Yikes!

  2. Better to do a double take than lose a tire in that hole, wow. Someone has a great sense of humor.

  3. LOl but kinda creepy..imagine driving by it in the dark - yikes!!!

  4. Hahahaha! I love it ... but I agree with Sarah that it would be awful to drive by it in the dark.

  5. This is wild! You mean people drive in the private property?

  6. Akiko, the roads are sort of jointly owned by everyone in the neighborhood. Each house pays a modest yearly fee that goes into a fund for snow removal (a guy with a snow plow on his pickup truck, lol) and maintenance (which I haven't seen yet since we just moved here last year...)

  7. Oh my gosh! Well I guess the roads are all ready for halloween this year!

  8. This is hilarious (even had to show it to the dh). I love anything to do with zombies;)


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