Thursday, September 2, 2010

My largest painting to date - Bear Medicine

Bear Medicine, 24 x 30" Acrylic on canvas
© 2010 Kathleen Coy

I started this Black Bear painting in March, but put it on hold for a while and just now finished it this week. I wanted this painting to have a very dreamy and otherworldly feel to it. Bear symbolizes awakening, and has been seen in many cultures as a spirit helper. I knew this painting needed to be very large and bold, to help convey the bear's size, strength, and power.

This painting is very textured throughout, some of which you can see in the photo. Once again, my beloved earth based color palette came through for me. I love painting with only a few colors!

I hope you enjoy it, too!

Much love,


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Yet ANOTHER WOW moment!

Very very PAWesome!

Thanks for sharing your talents AGAIN!

Julia said...

Just beautiful! We spent part of this summer exploring Wyoming for our vacation, so this painting really speaks to me :)

Chris Wolfgang said...

oh my. so powerfully stunning. looks like he's walking out of fire.

houndstooth said...

I really like that! It reminds me of a certain blog that I follow.

Maxmom said...


You are Artist Supreme! I will always remain your greatest admirer! Your new painting is outstanding! - you have ever right to be proud! - you enthrall us!
Sending lotsaluv to you and Cloud.


Gail H. Ragsdale said...

WOW! Gorgeous!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Absolutely beautiful. So powerful. Love the name Bear Medicine. The colors almost make him look like he is walking out of a blazing forest fire, which makes me think about how bears are being displaced by humans' encroachment on their habitat. Yet he rises above, as powerful as ever, Spirit Bear. Fabulous painting. It must feel wonderful to create such beauty.

Julia Guthrie said...

You definately captured that otherworldlyness...(is that a word? lol)It's a beautiful painting.
Feels very shamanic! xxx

Dean Grey said...
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Dean Grey said...

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G job on this, Kathleen!

Wow, this was wonderfully rendered!

The bear is so powerful looking, like he's casually emerging from a hot blaze!

The background is equally gorgeous too!

The brushstrokes are choppy and lively in just the right places.

And you may have used a limited color palette but you still managed to pump a lot of colors and tones in here!

Be proud of this one!


Karen said...

Love this painting so much! beautiful, powerful work.

The Wildwood said...

WOW!!!!!!! It is beautiful and I love the color you have on it!

Lisa said...

My Mom painted with oils, winning a scholoarhip to the Banff school of fine arts . I grew up with the arts and I think you really achived what you wanted to with the look and feel of this .
Beautiful work.
My Aunt lives on Salt Spring Ilsand and does watercolors of the Sea and when in Mexico she does the people and places there.
I love your work

hakan altan said...

thank you

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Wow, wonderful bear!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! I would love to live in a log cabin with the fire going, looking at this!

resume for data entry clerk said...

love your post

Anonymous said...

amazing and absolutly breath taking're a true visionary! impecable work!

Faith said...

We are still enjoying the painting, Kathleen!

bradleyson said...

Is this painting or print of it available?

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration I'm just learning how to paint bears